Hi welcome to my learning path. Now let me tell you something about me I am a year 7 at winton school this blog is about what I do in school. Each post I put on a colour and that is going to be the path we follow. That path will be a different journey for us all. Each colour path just changes the journey. So i hope you enjoy my learning path.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Term 3 Reflection

Something I am proud of is:    Is the Rippa rugby  because we have won all of our games and are playing in the finals.

Something I need to work on:    Is my spelling because I'm not too good at it and I need to work on getting 10 out of 10 every week.

My Reading Goal:     Is to sound words out and share my ideas more often. I can achieve this by putting my hand up more, reading to my parents and out loud more. I can also say more ideas and remember it doesn't matter if it's wrong.

My Writing Goal:     Is to proofread I can do this by reading it carefully and by reading it over and over again.

My Maths Goal:    Is to learn my 7, 8, 9, 12 times table. I will achieve this by getting someone to test me on them at maths time and writing them out ten times each.

This is a photo that matches what I'm proud of.

Camp Tautuku

On the 4th to the 6th of September. Room 10 went to Tautuku camp. On the first night we got into our sleeping groups and then we all had to go and get changed for our walk to the beach it wasn't that far up the road. My highlight was the whole camp I wish we could go again. Here a some photos:
Kaitlin and I at Mclean falls
A group activity

Flying fox time.
A Chimeny we had to climb up. 

Tautuku Day Spa.
[Aka getting pay back]